All about Dace

The common dace (lat. Leuciscus leuciscus) are inland water fishes commonly called Eurasian daces. It lives in schools and eats both plant and animal material. They prefer the faster flowing stretches of the rivers and can often be seen feeding off of flies and insects on the water’s surface.
Dace Dace love the faster water and is most abundant in Europe where it is used as a bait fish. The Dace has a streamlined body with silver-green sides, a dark back and pale grey-brown fins. In April, the females move upstream into the fast shallows to lay their eggs. It will grow to a maximum length of 25–30 cm (10–12 inches) , a maximum weight of 0.5–0.7 kg (1.5 lb), and may live for up to 16 years.
The best method is certainly a stick float. Maggots or casters are best baits to catch dace. Dace is not highly valued as food, the dace is sought by sport fishermen because it is a shy fish.